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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Reflection TEDTalks

Recently, I had watched a talk by Sir Ken Robinson. It was in 2006.

Handsome isn't he?

I realised more things after I watched his talk about creativity. It open up mind, which I think before was so narrow about this, and help me come to my sense. He speech made me think more deeply about the public education.

First of all, I did not sure if I'm a creative people or not? When I was a little kid -from what I can remember- there were many things that I didn't have a chance to do because my parents prohibited certain things, which I think I obeyed. My childhood days were not really awesome. But it shape me for who I am this days.

From what he said, public education is part for entering university. All top student get in there whereas the creative, intelligent people lost their chance. It is because their main interest is not in education. And public education made them struggling to be educated. We as human beings has our own skills. By getting into public education, our skills that does not have nothing to do with education is being hold in. I believe that school does kills creativity to people who don't like education system.

Entering the school was a lot of depression, as I need to compete with my classmate to claim the top spot in class. But luckily I don't have to work really hard like some of my friends. Well, maybe I'm a gifted person or just luck, I say. In school, everyone hate to at the bottom. Like Sir Ken Robinson said, in education, wrong is the worst mistake.
 They will be punished like they did a great crime or sin, which I think it is unfair. Well, I had been in that particular time. They had tried their best but it just didn't work.

Seriously I envied my friend who has the creativity inside him but he wants to be a doctor. But I don't know why. It is really different from his nature. All of his drawings are pretty amazing and creative yet he want to be doctor.

I agreed with Sir Ken that the purpose of public education around the world is to produce University professors. My mother did told me, that she wanted me to be a doctor and she planted that thought in my mind. Ever since that whenever the teachers ask my ambition it was always a doctor. See, every parents was blinded by education propaganda. They don't trigger what's inside their kids that might someday change the world. That's the problem parents nowadays.

He made me realise something that actually we need to believe in ourself. Everyone in this world have their own speciality and skills that only we and ourself can discover it with a little help from the society. Our strength has its own use in this world. As he defined creativity is an original idea which have value more often or not come about the interaction of different discipline of seeing things.

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