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Sunday, November 25, 2012

History & Creativity

Mesopotamia is one of the greatest civilization in the world that made what civilization are today.

Hammurabi, the ruler of Old Babylonian manage to create code of laws for the people to avoid conflicts among them. The code were imprinted on the clay and displayed to the people. 

The trait is Record Keeping. They create a new system of writing. At that time they used clay tablets and human-sized stone stele imprint the codes. The condition of environment that made Hammurabi to create that code is to tell people what are their requirement in that civilization. But, it was actually to show the glory of Hammurabi himself, the prove of his existence. 

What I can tell that the old civilization are far much more creative because they create and discover something new. Without their creation, today will not be as it is...

Human-sized stone

Tablet Clay


Here is link on what is civilazition...

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