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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Come Again??

PC is DEAD..... LONG LIVE the TABLET!!!!!!!

What?? How does this possible?? There's only one way to find out....
Oooohhh..... Crystal ball~ where are you~~~


Whoaa... I can't believe it... Tablet will be replacing PCs?? In 2016??? By the time I graduated? How this happen crystal ball??

Innovation? Invention? I'll guess things are changing so quickly that I almost left behind. The whole thing of innovation and invention are taking places nowadays, in fact long time ago... hmmm... I wonder what would the world be as everyone use tablet. It will be much much much more convenience. People could bring it anywhere... except not so much work could be done using tablet...

Yes! That's it!

PC is not dead..there're just evolve into something simpler,lighter and easier. Look how innovation and invention playing with technologies. From what I could see, people are getting happier with smaller devices.. and inventor too are likely to compete as they need to produce newer and newer product. Because the one which already in the market would not last long..

Anyway,I think the process of innovation and invention are moving faster and changing people minds on technology. New things keep coming and impress the world... But there are still a bunch of humans who cannot afford the price of high-tech devices, so they just stick to old things..such as PC... After all, PC is not yet dead... 

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