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Sunday, November 4, 2012

5 WorDs

Q: 5 words that associated to CREATIVITY

what would be your answer?

My answers are...

Did you get the same as me? if you don't, you're AWESOME !!!!

Here is why I think of those answer...
Creativity is something that beyond your imagination. It is something wild run in our mind. In my life, I had saw many creative things or ideas had been expressed through craziness. When I experienced this, I felt fun! It is interesting how my friend and I came out with ideas with just throwing out many illogical ideas that actually became the solution. It's a new way to see problems as we coincidently spoke our mind. One thing for sure, I see colors when it comes to creativity. Color is another way of expressing creativity as it trigger our mind to make something beautiful and eye-catching.

Q: 5 words that not associated to CREATIVITY

My answers are


I hate biology and I can't think of creativity to that.
When I eat, there's nothing else would be in my mind except food!
Negative, yeah... What it has to do with this word?
Rain is the best time to sleep. Furthermore it's cold and cloudy and dark.
Seriously what would acid do to creativity? Hmmm.... I wonder...

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