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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Mind Map & Me!

I was introduce to mind map when I was 12 years-old. I do like them because there are colourful and new to me at that moment. I had saw many mind map and I want to do one too. But, whenever I start it,the outcome was always disappointing. From that moments onwards, I always did a simple, plain, boring mind map.

For me, this kind of mind map is easiest. Just use words. But,entering this course, those kind of mind map would never be appreciate. We as creative person must challenge our level of creativeness to survive the world. I hope I will one day contribute something gigantic to this industry. 

History & Creativity

Mesopotamia is one of the greatest civilization in the world that made what civilization are today.

Hammurabi, the ruler of Old Babylonian manage to create code of laws for the people to avoid conflicts among them. The code were imprinted on the clay and displayed to the people. 

The trait is Record Keeping. They create a new system of writing. At that time they used clay tablets and human-sized stone stele imprint the codes. The condition of environment that made Hammurabi to create that code is to tell people what are their requirement in that civilization. But, it was actually to show the glory of Hammurabi himself, the prove of his existence. 

What I can tell that the old civilization are far much more creative because they create and discover something new. Without their creation, today will not be as it is...

Human-sized stone

Tablet Clay


Here is link on what is civilazition...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What Would It Be?

After I read an article, online... I had discovered that different people needs a different environment to experience light-bulb thingy. 

Well, here's the question...
What kin of environment or situation, etc. would make me to become creative, inventive or innovative person?

Hmmm... the thing is we never know when the idea will come.. sometime it just pop up of your mind.
But, there are options...

I need peace and quietness to boost my idea... but not to quiet or else it might sound creepy...

See these picture? I would want my house to be like that, where I'm really close to the nature.... But, morning would be very nice.. If it is night,I don't think I can hold it longer...

I like brown colours... Like this picture(below), I can feel that I am surrounded by nature. It is relaxing. I can have my time thinking effectively...

I hate noisy situation because I might possibly listen to their chatters and I hardly concentrate... I need to be with myself so that I could express it better. But people around us do have it importance. You could not be forever alone. Sometimes coincidently spoke out the idea that we have been searching. As it is quote, two is better than one.

Besides that, I love to hear those classical, orchestra thing music. I like Beethoven, Schubert and others that I don't recognise their names and pieces. These music has their own story-telling. We interpret it with our emotions. By that, it trigger our brain to kinda brainstorming. I'm not sure about other people,but it works to me, a few...


Anyway, what I want to conclude is that, idea will come in many ways. What we have to do is wait,listen, observe, analyse, etc. our surrounding.Then,we will find the answer. But,the most is the idea is inspired with God's help.

Come Again??

PC is DEAD..... LONG LIVE the TABLET!!!!!!!

What?? How does this possible?? There's only one way to find out....
Oooohhh..... Crystal ball~ where are you~~~


Whoaa... I can't believe it... Tablet will be replacing PCs?? In 2016??? By the time I graduated? How this happen crystal ball??

Innovation? Invention? I'll guess things are changing so quickly that I almost left behind. The whole thing of innovation and invention are taking places nowadays, in fact long time ago... hmmm... I wonder what would the world be as everyone use tablet. It will be much much much more convenience. People could bring it anywhere... except not so much work could be done using tablet...

Yes! That's it!

PC is not dead..there're just evolve into something simpler,lighter and easier. Look how innovation and invention playing with technologies. From what I could see, people are getting happier with smaller devices.. and inventor too are likely to compete as they need to produce newer and newer product. Because the one which already in the market would not last long..

Anyway,I think the process of innovation and invention are moving faster and changing people minds on technology. New things keep coming and impress the world... But there are still a bunch of humans who cannot afford the price of high-tech devices, so they just stick to old things..such as PC... After all, PC is not yet dead... 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Reflection TEDTalks

Recently, I had watched a talk by Sir Ken Robinson. It was in 2006.

Handsome isn't he?

I realised more things after I watched his talk about creativity. It open up mind, which I think before was so narrow about this, and help me come to my sense. He speech made me think more deeply about the public education.

First of all, I did not sure if I'm a creative people or not? When I was a little kid -from what I can remember- there were many things that I didn't have a chance to do because my parents prohibited certain things, which I think I obeyed. My childhood days were not really awesome. But it shape me for who I am this days.

From what he said, public education is part for entering university. All top student get in there whereas the creative, intelligent people lost their chance. It is because their main interest is not in education. And public education made them struggling to be educated. We as human beings has our own skills. By getting into public education, our skills that does not have nothing to do with education is being hold in. I believe that school does kills creativity to people who don't like education system.

Entering the school was a lot of depression, as I need to compete with my classmate to claim the top spot in class. But luckily I don't have to work really hard like some of my friends. Well, maybe I'm a gifted person or just luck, I say. In school, everyone hate to at the bottom. Like Sir Ken Robinson said, in education, wrong is the worst mistake.
 They will be punished like they did a great crime or sin, which I think it is unfair. Well, I had been in that particular time. They had tried their best but it just didn't work.

Seriously I envied my friend who has the creativity inside him but he wants to be a doctor. But I don't know why. It is really different from his nature. All of his drawings are pretty amazing and creative yet he want to be doctor.

I agreed with Sir Ken that the purpose of public education around the world is to produce University professors. My mother did told me, that she wanted me to be a doctor and she planted that thought in my mind. Ever since that whenever the teachers ask my ambition it was always a doctor. See, every parents was blinded by education propaganda. They don't trigger what's inside their kids that might someday change the world. That's the problem parents nowadays.

He made me realise something that actually we need to believe in ourself. Everyone in this world have their own speciality and skills that only we and ourself can discover it with a little help from the society. Our strength has its own use in this world. As he defined creativity is an original idea which have value more often or not come about the interaction of different discipline of seeing things.

5 WorDs

Q: 5 words that associated to CREATIVITY

what would be your answer?

My answers are...

Did you get the same as me? if you don't, you're AWESOME !!!!

Here is why I think of those answer...
Creativity is something that beyond your imagination. It is something wild run in our mind. In my life, I had saw many creative things or ideas had been expressed through craziness. When I experienced this, I felt fun! It is interesting how my friend and I came out with ideas with just throwing out many illogical ideas that actually became the solution. It's a new way to see problems as we coincidently spoke our mind. One thing for sure, I see colors when it comes to creativity. Color is another way of expressing creativity as it trigger our mind to make something beautiful and eye-catching.

Q: 5 words that not associated to CREATIVITY

My answers are


I hate biology and I can't think of creativity to that.
When I eat, there's nothing else would be in my mind except food!
Negative, yeah... What it has to do with this word?
Rain is the best time to sleep. Furthermore it's cold and cloudy and dark.
Seriously what would acid do to creativity? Hmmm.... I wonder...