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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Random Words & Image Association

This week, that's the topic. A new method to be creative! From what I had learn, we could not combine problem and random words together. Let me tell briefly how to use this method.
First, you got to have a problem.
Then, what you need is a random word or image.
Next, try come out with something new that has connection. Not combine!
Let me show an example....

Problem : How make people stop smoking?

Random word : Traffic light

From my understanding, we need to list first what are the characteristic of traffic light.

  • Colour
  • Metal
  • Sign
  • Dirty
Do you get what I mean? Alright. How to apply these information to the cigarette?
Let begin with colour...

Red = Stop
Yellow = Ready
Green = Go

We obviously can't put green colour. So its either red or yellow. Actually, yellow can effect our brain more than red. People won't buy yellow cigarette. would they?

Or maybe this will make people stop smoking...

Well, smokers know what they will feel about it. Now, my ideas to apply the other 3 characteristic.

I'm thinking of putting lizard image on the cigarette...
Yukk! gross! I almost throw up.... Lets just move on.

Would they still smoke if the cigarettes taste like metal? The idea is to make metal flavour, which I suppose no one would like the taste of metal. Someone need to try that one out.

Last but not least, DIRTY.
At first, I had problems brainstorming this and I just come out with spraying mud on the surface of the cigarette. Would that effect them? Well, the cigarette is blank, pure white-except the butt- so giving the idea of dirty might make them think twice before firing it up.

Thats all for this week entry. I do hope smokers quit, if they really love their live.

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