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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Mortar & Pestle

See this picture? Awesome right? Puahahaha~
This just a short-time work...
You guys know mortar and pestle? The one that our mother use in the kitchen, to mix up some ingredients...
Well, that's what mind map is all about... We mix some ideas to produce Supah-Dupah-Awesome-Ideas !!!!
Genius right?

For a very simple & logistic example:

Mind mapping is about gathering some parts of ideas to come out with a fresh and new idea! With just a random word,we can list all things that directly connected or not. Our brain works randomly somehow and mind map can help our brain trigger something that may be new to the world... Well, who knows right?

That's what basically happening.. Now I want to show what my brain spark of when I was asked to come out about mortar & pestle using the words that were listed... The 3 words that I chose are.... 

Check this out!

the mortar use to hold the powder while pestle is use to brush powder to cheeks... awesome, right?

well this one is kinda illogical because one use this to gain power. once the mortar is hit, about 5 km radius around this will be under one's command.

LaSt ONe!

it's a GAME !!!!!! balancing mortar... do you really think you can balance a mortar using a pestle? if you do, then you're a god of this game... to balance such weight.. hmmm... lets give a try shall we?


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